Some of our courses require students to complete case studies as part of the study programme.
Case Studies When asked to provide case studies to support any online course please follow this format.
Two case studies for each of five people where possible. The first study is the exploratory study. This is your first introduction to the client and as such you are just finding out how you can tailor make the treatment to help the client to the best of your ability.
The second case study will be an enhanced and more personal study. You will have learnt from the first treatment about the person mentally and physically and so be able to expand and modify the next treatment to meet the clients needs. In this way you make the client feel cared and nurtured as their needs are met.
A downloadable Case Study template is available at the bottom of this page.
Case Study 1
Profile of your client using the questionnaire (a downloadable form is provided further down for you to use and amend where you see fit)- this is personal information so you can build a picture of your client’s lifestyle. All such information is highly confidential.
Personal details – age, weight, home situation such as married, single, children etc.
Hobbies including interests both physical and for relaxation. This might include exercise and relaxation interests such as reading, and art.
How does the person deal with stress – alcohol, drugs, yoga, running walking- in this way you can understand how destructive or how healthy they are mentally.
Once all this information is gathered you can start to form a picture of the person and so you can create a treatment to help them.
Carry out the treatment and write up what the treatment involved and what techniques you used on what areas of the body.
What was the persons reaction after the treatment.
What can you do to enhance the treatment next time.
Case study 2 The second case study will take into account all the reasons the person may have come along for a treatment in the first place. It might just be for relaxation and that is fine!
You will now understand the person better and know which areas physically and mentally need more attention.
If there are physical problems such as tight shoulders, lower back pain then write up the enhanced treatment stating the extra movements or time you will spend on that area.
If the problem is on an emotional level, you may find more time to use relaxing and soothing movement or you may add Reiki or Crystal Healing to the treatment.
Write up the treatment that you have designed for that person and their needs explaining what techniques you used and to what areas.
What were the persons comments after the treatment?
How can you improve on the next treatment?
In Summary - The first case study - treatment will be exploratory and you will likely stick to the routine given in the course. The write up will have details including information from the consultation sheet and then a description of the treatment you carried out and the persons reaction after the treatment.
The second case study - this case study will detail any areas of tension that you may have found or any emotional problems or trauma and explain how you have tailored the treatment to help with these problems. The write up will explain how you targeted certain areas, why and what techniques you used and the persons reaction after the treatment.
On completion of your home study courses please send one email with your completed questionnaire and your comprehensive case studies to [email protected]
I am are here to support your home study course so do contact me if you have any questions. Take your time and enjoy. Lynne